Below is the list of standard sensors used.
We can, in collaboration with you, develop sensors adapted to your needs.
Sensor optimized for low frequency measurement (50Hz).
Applications: Transformer mapping, simple power supply.
Operating principle: Signal detection with hall effect sensor and signal filtering rectification.

Magnetic field measurement
Applications: Switching power supply mapping, EM source location, electronic card …
Detector: Logarithmic amplifier
Antenna: Loop

Electric field measurement
Applications: Mapping in the frequency bands used for communications (433MHz, WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G, 4G …)
Detector: Logarithmic amplifier
Antenna: Open loop

Electric field measurement
Applications: Mapping in the frequency bands used for communications (802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.15, 802.16 …)
Data WiFi modem
Antenna: Printed circuit monopoly

Electric field measurement
Applications: Mapping in a wide frequency band.
Antenna: Double monopoly on U-shaped printed circuit. Power supply of the detector in differential.

Magnetic field measurement
Applications: Magnet mapping, induction, magnetic coil, rotor, etc …
Sensor: Hall effect sensor

Electric field measurement
Applications: Electrical cable mapping, low voltage bulb, etc …
Sensor: Differential amplifier sensor