Direct electromagnetic mapping system in augmented reality.
Autonomous and easy to use.
Low cost, high resolution.
Removable sensors (50 Hz – 7 GHz).
Exporting data in XML format.
2D or 3D visualization.


Some examples of Scanphone mappings with different types of sensor.
Example: Mapping the “Electric field” of the low-energy bulb.

Sensor type: G09 (capteur Champ E)
Bandwidth: 50 – 20000 Hz
Unit: v/m
Example: mapping low frequency a radiation of a transformer (50 Hz)

Sensor type: G01 (Hall effect sensor)
Bandwidth: 50 – 20000 Hz
Unit: mT
Example: mapping a surface of a electronic card

Sensor type: G02 (Magnetic field)
Bandwidth: 20 kHz – 440 MHz
Unit: dBV
Example: Mapping the radiation of a antenna ( 2 GHz ).

Sensor type: G04 (electric field)
Bandwidth: 300 MHz – 7 GHz
Unit: mV ( sensor output )
Example: Projection of mapping on TV.

With the “broadcast” function of the smartphone, it is possible to project the screen on a compatible TV.
(EasyCast – VDO projector …)
Teaching – Demonstration – Congress …
Example: Planar mapping.

Sensor type: G04 (electric field)
Bandwidth: 300 MHz – 7 GHz
Unit: mV ( sensor output )
Example: Mapping the magnet of a levitron.

The levitron is a spinning top which levitates above a magnet.
With the scanphone, we will visualize the magnitude and the polarity of the magnet.
Sensor type: G06 (mT)
Graphic interface

How it works?
Step 1: Construction in augmented reality of the 3D environment.

To be able to position a virtual grid above the equipment under test (EUT), the augmented reality algorithm implemented in our smartphone computes a large number of reference points over the surface of the EUT to be scanned.
This step is automatically lanched with our application and last a fews seconds.
Etape 2: PRESCAN – Detection of the min and max values

Activation of the “prescan” function finds the min and max values over the surface to be scanned.
At the end of the prescan, our module MDMV uses these values in order to optimize the dynamic output.
The sensors
The scanphone is sold with 2 sensors of your choice
(We realize specific sensors on request)

The preliminary studies have been conducted at Gustave Eiffel University in collaboration with the PIRVI, an engineering unit of the CRIStAL laboratory of the University of Lille, and the support of the IRCICA.
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